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Claremont Graduate University Magazine

Section: Class Note

Jordan T. Watkins

Jordan T. Watkins (MA, History) published his first book Slavery and Sacred Texts: The Bible, the Constitution, and Historical Consciousness in Antebellum America (Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society) in July.… Continue reading Jordan T. Watkins

Roberta Romero

Roberta Romero (MBA, 2009; MSIST, 2020), Jashaina Thomas (MSFE, 2021), and Harvey Mudd College student Amber Hughes teamed up for “Hack for Black Lives” in February. The not-so-traditional hackathon challenged students at the Claremont Colleges to practice active anti-racism by leveraging their interests and skills to develop solutions that support Black communities.… Continue reading Roberta Romero

Jason Rivera

Jason Rivera (MA, Psychology, PhD, Education) has been named Director of Strategic Research at the Council of Independent Colleges in Washington, DC. Jason is a higher education researcher focused on issues of access and equity in student experience and success.… Continue reading Jason Rivera

Janice Adelman

Janice Adelman (MA, PhD, Psychology) received the 2021 Distinguished Service to the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Award. Adelman is one of Professor Michael Hogg’s former students and a member of his Social Identity Lab. SPSSI has always been Janice’s passion and she has always been centrally involved in SPSSI and other scientific psychology organizations.… Continue reading Janice Adelman