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Claremont Graduate University Magazine

Author: Som Vilaysack

Charmaine Jackson Mercer

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation has named Charmaine Jackson Mercer (MA, Politics; PhD, Education) as its first Chief of Equity and Culture, a newly created senior role.  A leader in education, government, philanthropy, and nonprofit arenas, Mercer will oversee external grant-making related to racial equity,… Continue reading Charmaine Jackson Mercer

James Shaw

James Shaw (PhD, Education) designed a document containing over 100 questions for law enforcement officers titled “Survey of Police Service” or S.O.P.S. It is designed to help officers put themselves in the minds of the community members they serve.… Continue reading James Shaw

Nancy Pine

Nancy Pine (PhD, Education) held a July 6 public conversation with author Michele Zack about “One in a Billion: One Man’s Remarkable Odyssey Through Modern-Day China.”… Continue reading Nancy Pine

Jean Ciborowski Fahey

Families with infants and toddlers across Philadelphia have begun to receive a new book during their pediatric visits. The book, entitled I’ll Build You a Bookcase, is inspired by Philadelphia families and carries an important message for adults within its sweet rhythm and rhyme: You are your child’s first and most important teacher.… Continue reading Jean Ciborowski Fahey

Megan Edwards

A Coin for the Ferryman (Imbrifex Books) is Megan Edwards’s (MA, Education) extraordinary saga in which Julius Caesar is kidnapped right before his assassination in 44 B.C. and transported to Los Angeles at the turn of the 20th century. … Continue reading Megan Edwards

Bruce Bond

Bruce Bond (MA, English) was bestowed the Nicholas Schaffner Award for Music in Literature. Independent publisher Schaffner Press has announced that Bond is the winner for his poetry collection Liberation of Dissonance. As a result, the collection will be published by Schaffner Press in 2022.… Continue reading Bruce Bond

Victor Ashear 

Victor Ashear (PhD, Psychology) and co-author Matt Gray had their article “An Open Trial of a Novel Acceptance-Based Group Designed to Increase Self-Esteem in Patients with Serious Mental Illness” accepted by the American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation.… Continue reading Victor AshearÂ